Miracle of the Eucharist of Offida Italy
The Lord allows Himself to be drawn back to Lanciano again.
The Lord allows Himself to be drawn back to Lanciano again.
This could very well be called THE EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE OF LANCIANO II, because what we call the Miracle of Offida actually happened in Lanciano in the year 1273. Why did Jesus pick Lanciano yet a Second Time? What was the need for Him to manifest Himself again in this town in another Miraculous way? To the inquisitive mind, the scientific mind, there has to be a logical explanation for a phenomena such as this. It has to be broken down into an understandable equation. In my mind, it conjures up enormous excitement. We don't know what the Lord's plan is, what His thinking is.
There's no way that we can anticipate His actions because they defy the laws of logic. I sometimes believe He does this intentionally. WE CAN NEVER BE BORED! St. Thomas Aquinas, the great Doctor of the Church and one of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known, was given a revelation towards the end of his life. Afterwards, he stopped writing and dictating his great SUMMA THEOLOGICA. When asked why he was abandoning his work, he replied, ìThe end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me. We are thrilled about the prospect of what God will reveal to us when we meet Him in the Kingdom. But until that time, we can only try to speculate on the mysteries of God's ways. The Second Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, or as it is better known, THE EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE OF OFFIDA falls into one of the mysteries of God's way.